Impact Real Estate Developer

Accelerate housing

affordability through public

private partnerships. 

We create middle income housing  in job-proximate locations that strengthen communities and resident outcomes. 

Impact meets Affordability

Turning underutilised
buildings into homes to unlock
attainable housing.

Core Values

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve lives and local economies through socially-conscious development. We partner with various U.S.  Cities to address three key community issues: insufficient affordable housing, underutilised downtown office space, and economic downturns.

Our Priority

Prioritising people

over profits.


Sustainable Initiatives






At the heart of our work is the drive to improve lives and empower communities.

By converting underutilised properties, we open doors to an abundance of opportunity for residents, local communities and businesses alike.

We strive for a balance where modern living meets affordability and mindful preservation of our natural resources.



At the heart of our work is the drive to improve lives and empower communities.



By converting underutilised properties, we open doors to an abundance of opportunity for residents, local communities and businesses alike.



We strive for a balance where modern living meets affordability and mindful preservation of our natural resources.


Our impact areas

Gone are the days when investing for returns and investing for positive change were seen as separate paths. Enter Bluelofts' impact investing, where financial gains meet the mission of enhancing essential housing for a better world. Join us on an inspiring journey where your financial objectives blend seamlessly with sustainable initiatives.

Say hello to
impact investing

Investing to generate returns used to be different from investing to create positive change. Not anymore.

Say hello to impact investing with Bluelofts, where generating financial returns meets the compelling drive to create much needed housing to ensure positive change for people and the planet. Join us on a visionary quest where your financial ambitions align with sustainable initiatives in an impactful harmony.
“We pride ourselves on our innovative approach of revitalizing vacant office towers into affordable housing. Our public-private partnership model symbolizes collaborative progress—an intersection of social advancement and financially appealing returns."
Ike Bams
Co-Founder; Bluelofts INC
“We've established Bluelofts to fulfill our promise of responsible development that improves lives across the United States by tackling three key community issues: providing affordable housing, transforming vacant downtown offices into dynamic spaces, and stimulating economic growth and job creation in cities and towns."
John Williams
Co-Founder, Bluelofts INC
Future of Investing

Join the future

of investing